Our Local Sam Ash Store
I previously mentioned meeting my guitar teacher, Steve Bonacci, at Sam Ash. Thanks to Dana Trueman, Sam Ash has begun a national program of instruction that also includes getting students organized into bands for a quarterly "recital" on a big stage with real high level equipment. This is a really big deal here in Las Vegas. It was my own first on stage experience, that broke the ice for another, then another.
It was Dana who started the thought process for Safe-T-Stand. One day he was admonishing a student about leaning his guitar against his amp with the slippery neck side against the amp, and it stuck in my head. So when I saw some other ideas for solving the problem of where to put your guitar on stage when you're not playing it, and that used the heft of the amplifier as the stabilizing base of the guitar stand, I was particularly receptive. We collected some experienced minds to articulate the issue, and set about developing a solution. We settled on bamboo as the material for a variety of reasons, including the fact that it is both elegant and renewable.
Without Dana's comment that fateful day, Safe-T-Stand probably would not exist today. So support your local Sam Ash store!